Many a joke were passed back and forth as to just how sorry our current lot was, and what a miserable cocktail machine it had become.
I happened to bring home a great bottle of port that Kapes and I were enjoying, when it dawned on me that port probably makes a decent cocktail ingredient. I immediately googled "port cocktails" and the very first recipe that popped up called for port, orange liqueur, and amaretto. Christ. Even more called for port, vermouth and lemon, in some combination. It seems that our desolate bar is prime for port cocktails.
So we whipped together some "Autumnal Equinoxes". This drink looks, smells, and tastes like purple juice box kindergarten fun times. Not exactly what I go looking for, but fun, nonetheless. And it finally gave me a way to use up the stupid liquor that sits undrunken for years at a time.
Autumnal Equinox
2 oz port
1 oz orange liqueur
1/2 oz amaretto
pour over ice in a rocks glass, stir, drink.
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